Education What do you think is the key to having a good quality of life and a stable job? If you thought of education, then you are correct. Education is one of the things that help us in becoming successful in life. It helps us in becoming better people and to have skills that will be useful in life. But what if I told you not all children, especially in the Philippines, have access to education. What if the one thing we all need to thrive in life is not easily accessible as it should be and it is not good as it should be? Image taken from Philippine Star. The Problems: One of the reasons that the quality of education in the Philippines is deteriorating is because of the low budget allotment on education. The lack of school materials like textbooks, chairs, and desks, makes it very difficult for children to learn. According to an article by The Diplomat, there are buildings in need of repairs to be used by students in schools. Though they stated that the government will build more, it...
The problems that the Philippines is currently facing.